Monday 5 September 2011

Forward & backward number word sequence

Forward Number Word Sequence (FNWS)  
- “the facility with the verbal sequence of numbers. This skill is demonstrated by having students count orally in sequence from any number in the range of 1-100 and be able to name the next subsequent number for any given number in the same range. Developing FNWS helps to support a students’ ability to solve additive tasks” 
(Solon City Schools, n.d.).

Backward Number Word Sequence (BNWS) 
- “the facility with the verbal sequence of numbers. This skill is demonstrated by having students count backwards orally in sequence from any number in the range of 1-100 and be able to name the previous number for any given number in the same range. Developing BNWS helps to support a students’ ability to solve subtractive tasks” (Solon City Schools, n.d.).

Example of activity that is recommended by Solon City Schools website:

Treasure Hunt – FNWS 

Focus: Forward Number Word Sequence, Numeral Identification, and Numeral Recognition
Setting: Treasure Hunt Cards
Summary: This video shows a 1st grade student playing Treasure Hunt from 51-60. The activity helps with producing the verbal sequence as well as helping students cross the decades.
Adaptations: This activity can be used with students of any age in any appropriate number range. It can also be used forwards, backwards, and with multiples.