Monday 24 October 2011


Length is a measure of how long or wide something is (BBC Teachers, 2011). Length is usually measured using rulers or measuring tapes. However, length can also be measured using non-standard units in which is the technique that young students use before moving to standard units. It is also a good way on teaching the students about consistency and accuracy and the aspects that should be paid attention to when measuring. This concept of length can be incorporated through comparing objects and looking at their attributes perceptually, directly and indirectly.


‘These lines are the same length’ - perceptual development is the quality of looking at something and automatically being about to tell the difference or similarities.



‘These lines are different lengths’ - comparing directly means moving the object from their original position in order to compare it for example, moving the lines from this:


To this:



‘These lines are different lengths’ - this information is sourced by using a measuring tool.

________________________________ (4.5 cm)
                                                __________________________________________ (6.5 cm)

While measuring the lengths, the students will be using words such as ‘longer than’ or ‘shorter than’ to compare the lengths of the lines. This activity will also directly improve students’ vocabulary. 

Apart from that, teachers can also ask students to measure their own body parts. From the results they obtain, they can make comparisons between their friends. They can also measure the lengths of their body parts using a non-standard measurement like using paper clips to measure the length of students’ hands or measure the length of the shoulders using paddle pop sticks. 

How many paper clips are used to measure Malini’s hand?

37 paper clips.

How many paddle pop sticks are needed to measure Malini’s shoulders?

3 and a half paddle pop sticks.

How many plastic chains are used to measure Nabilah’s height?

43 plastic chains.

Making indirect comparisons

Whose nose is the biggest?

Whose pinkey is the smallest?

Whose wrist is the smallest?

Can you order the size of the forearm from biggest to smallest?
Courtney, Nikita, Bec.

Recommended online activity for measurement:

BAMZOOki race track